The man now calling himself Alexander Preston was born November 20, 1990 in Central Illinois, where he spent the first twenty-two years of his life as the youngest of five children. He was baptized into a new life in Christ at age fifteen and has never looked back since.
In 2013, having obtained his Business Admin major, he made the decision to accept a customer service position at a prominent bank in Sioux Falls, SD, where he has since resided without paying a cent of state income tax ✌. Six months later, he became engaged to the woman who has now been his wife for the past three years. They have one child (nine months old now as of January 2017) and are hoping for more to come.
Following eighteen torturous months in a call center (learning more than he ever wished to know about overdraft fees), he left the bank and spent two months as a retail associate before learning of an opening as a branch teller. Returning to his previous employer, he spent six months in said position before deciding he disliked contact with the public in any form and moved into the Operations department. He stayed on for about a year's time before learning of a higher salary at one of the firm's main competitors. True to his mercenary instincts, he has now worked there since June of 2016.
With the move to South Dakota came a re-discovery of his childhood dream/fantasy/obsession/mania/delusion of becoming a full-time, best-selling novelist. Being none too stable in the head, he decided to give it a go alongside his day job and managed to crank out Harvest of Prey over the course of a year and a half. Still not fully cured of his insanity, he has plans for over seven more books to be written as he is working 8-5 Monday through Friday and raising a growing family. He may be a lunatic, but at least he's a happy one. 😊
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